Established in the year 1987 we Sanket Pipes are a noteworthy organization engaged in manufacturing and supplying Hydraulic Jack under the brand name of 'AVANEESH'. We offer Hydraulic Pipe Tractor Trailor Hydraulic Jack Coupling Bolt Hydraulic Machine Dust Adaptor With Cap Oil Seal Thread NippleBenjo Bolt QRC Benjo Tee &Copper Washer. Offered pipes and sockets are widely appreciated for their longer service life resistance against corrosion & abrasion accurate dimensions high mechanical efficiency sturdy construction and ductile nature. With an aim to ensure that our offered pipes and sockets have these features we carry out the manufacturing process using premium quality raw material sourced from vendors of high repute while adhering to internationally laid quality standards and norms. For their perfect designing we make use of modern machinery and latest technology. Further for the convenience of our patrons we provide these pipes and sockets in accordance to the specifications detailed by them.
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Rajkot, Gujarat